Lupine Designer Step In Dog Harness

 Lupine Designer Step In Dog Harness

Lupine Designer Step In Dog Harness

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Full Moon Magic! Harness the Power of the Full Moon!

Full Moon Magic! Harness the Power of the Full Moon!

The Night of the Full Moon is known for its beauty, its healing properties, its fantastic energy, and its magic!

Full Moon Magic! Harness the Power of the Full Moon!

Full Moon Magic!  Harness the Power of the Full Moon!

Full Moon Magic! Harness the Power of the Full Moon!

Full Moon Magic! Harness the Power of the Full Moon!

Full Moon Magic! Harness the Power of the Full Moon!

The Energy of the Full Moon is a Powerful energy. There are many rituals and beliefs in various cultures and religions on the use of moon energy. At Blue Avalon we believe the full moon is a time for healing, a time for recharging your spirit and a time for renewing your enhancers with the vibrant energy of the full moon!

The following is our list of favourite Full Moon Rituals you can do tonight!

1. Fill a pitcher or jug with water and leave it out overnight in the light of the full moon. The next day-use this water to cleanse your crystals and reinvigorate them with the energy of the full moon! Use this re-energized water to not only cleanse your crystals, but to wash your face to leave you feeling renewed from this pure energy blast or wash counters, floors-anything you feel could benefit from the magical moon!

2. You recently cleansed or smudged your crystals? Take it one step further and place your crystals on the windowsill for the evening, or put them in a crystal bowl and leave them outside under the light so that they can capture the moon's energy directly!

3. Using the Full Moon for Prosperity! It is said that during a full moon you should leave your wallet and checkBook open for it to receive the moons full energy. It may not bring you millions, but it may help to ensure that you have enough for the month to pay the bills!

4. Do you enjoy traditional symbolic Feng Shui? Then, I'm sure you've heardabout the Feng Shui money frog or toad. Legend has it that this mythical creatures appeared every full moon by or near homes that would receive abundance – whether it be wealth or good news! If you have him place him in the light of the moon, and in the morning-return him to your wealth area or inside by your front door looking in!

5. Looking for love? In a red ceramic or glass bowl-stones or glass beads arrange in the bowl (purple, red, and pink work well). Next, stand up or pin 3 red candles in the bowl. Light the candles on the night of the full moon and focus on the light burning bright against the moon. Ensure your intention is that this light will bring you love-new lover-or deeper love!

6. Your own Power image! You've read many times that an image of a moon bringsrenewed energy, focus and concentration. What better image than one you take with your own camera-a full moon you've seen with your own eyes! Print it and place it on your desk or childs desk for increased focus!

7. The high potency of the full moon encourages fertility, passion and abundance-Write your wishes for them with a silver pen and then burn them in a candle flame under this full moon!

8. Moon meditation is extremely Powerful as the full moon is a time to draw down the energy of the moon and connect to it. Call us for a guided meditation moon!

Finally, don't forget the most important point. Stand in the moonlight and cast your eyes on the beautiful site before you and truly enjoy the moment for all its beauty.

© 2007 Fay Chapple

Full Moon Magic! Harness the Power of the Full Moon!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Training a Horse For Harness - What You Must Know!

Training a Horse For Harness - What You Must Know!

Ever watched one of those period movies, noticing the horse drawn carriages and reasoning to yourself you want to do that, or what would it be like? Join us on a journey now to see just what it takes to come to be a carriage driver, and how a horse is trained to harness.

Training a Horse For Harness - What You Must Know!

Training a Horse For Harness - What You Must Know!

Training a Horse For Harness - What You Must Know!

Training a Horse For Harness - What You Must Know!

Training a Horse For Harness - What You Must Know!

Most population who take up carriage driving are either those who do not feel safe bet on the back of a horse, or who due to corporeal limitations cannot ride, but still wants to enjoy the firm of horses or the thrill of horse sports.

Driving has come to be increasingly favorite for use with weddings and special events today with many competitive drivers now offering this aid as a means of funding the upkeep of their horses and carriages. Ponies with kids' carts have come to be a favorite and often lucrative favourite on fairs and festivals.

Well to start carriage driving you would need a horse of course. However not all horses are superior to carriage driving. When seeing at, or for a horse to use for driving the most prominent observation is temperament. A carriage horse often requires continued periods of sanding, and nervous or fidgety horses do not do well, not to mention they are more likely to startle or shy.

For years now many have looked at safe bet breeds when searching for a carriage horse. And although there are breeds like the Friesian, Hackney, Connemara and Welsh Cobs who are considered as good carriage horses/ponies, the truth is any breed of horse is convenient for carriage driving, as the success of the horse largely depends on its outlook and conformation

When seeing at conformation of the carriage horse "the wider the better" but it is not a rule of thumb. Horses with width do have more Power and will find pulling a carriage easier the narrower ones are However capable too. A wider horse just looks better. When selecting a carriage horse on conformation, one would be seeing more towards your cob types; a strong sturdy levelheaded horse is best.

Well once you have the horse it would need training. Because driving and particularly competitive driving is a strenuous sport, being hard on a horses back it is advisable to only start the training of a carriage horse once it has reached the age of five.

It is also good custom to have the horse backed and going under saddle for at least a year prior to training it for carriage. That way the horse will be used to hearing ones' voice from behind it as well as receiving commands from the reins and behind it.

The initial stage of training a horse to harness is that of long lining and then training the horse to drag an object behind it, good indications that the horse is ready for advanced work is when it pushes send with its chest prior to walking off, and is nor alarmed by the sound of the object dragging behind it.

At this stage the horse should be teamed up with a more experienced horse and attached to a light carriage with a handler walking next to the horse. Ensure that the fastening of the horse to the carriage (for the first few times) allows for the handler to swiftly untie the horse should it be needed, once the horse is comfortable without the handler it should be driven with a partner for at least a month, two to three times a week, allowing for the horse to build up reliance and to get use to bracing against the carriage when slowing down. Once completed the horse can then start to work alone.

Training a carriage horse this way will minimize the possibility of accidents or injuries sustained to either horse or handler. It will also allow for the horse to gain the required caress and reliance in his work before needing to "go it alone".

Please do not try to train your horse yourself if you do not have the experience, many serious and sometimes fatal accidents can occur were a horse to bolt with a carriage. It is best to get help from someone who knows and can lend a guiding hand and horse.

Driver Training:
In Europe you are certainly required to pass a driving test should you wish to use a horse and carriage on the roads. But initially you would learn to drive a particular horse, then work your way up to two (known as pairs or tandem) then three (known as a unicorn or fan) and four (known as four in hand) very seldom today do we see teams of more than four, and even then it is done mostly for display.

What equipment Would you Need
-To start off you will need a particular harness consisting of a ride faultless with blinkers, a bit (the most commonly used is the Liverpool bit, or a four ring snaffle) and reins measuring up to 7.5M. A breastplate, or collar depending on the design. A saddle (no not your riding saddle) that houses the Terrets (loops the reins pass through) the bearing rein hook and crupper attachment. And then the part known as the breeching (The part that goes round and over the quarters, this assists with preventing the carriage bumping into the horse whilst stopping or slowing down.)
-The trace lines (which attach the horse to the carriage)
-A light particular horse drawn carriage sporting a double shaft in in the middle of which the horse is harnessed
-A light driving whip approximately resembles a lunging whip

Driving Sports
Competitive driving has been steadily on the growth the last few years, with driving marathons expanding in both competitors and supporters. However for the lighter minded there is:
-pleasure driving (showing)
-dressage driving (yes you do a test)
-obstacle courses for the more sporting and literal, drivers, obstacle courses are laid out using highway mark cones and tennis balls.

And then there is marathon driving with a team of humans normally consisting of but not miniature to the driver and groom who assists with counterbalancing the carriage nearby sharp turns (requires loads of guts, and a few under the belt at times). The best way to enumerate a marathon is and obstacle procedure navigated at approximately breakneck speeds in the countryside against the clock (hence the break neck speed).

Could Your Horse be Used for any Sport Other than Driving
Driving horses are not just used for driving, a well schooLED horse can couple driving with other equestrian sports, However most owners of driving horses tend to use them as hacks. A driving horse would be capable of competitive in most lower levels of equestrian sports with the irregularity of dressage, as driving tends encourage the horse to lean send onto the forehand, something very unsuited to the dressage horse.

However no matter what your level carriage driving can be fun and very rewarding.

Training a Horse For Harness - What You Must Know!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Chocolate Marketing-Harness The Power Of Chocolate For Your Marketing

Chocolate Marketing-Harness The Power Of Chocolate For Your Marketing

Chocolate is unquestionably the number one comfort food. Worldwide, no other word excites our hearts and minds, yes, even our palates to action. It can be obtained in many forms. There is hot chocolate, cold chocolate and spicy chocolate. If your passion is rich, dark, bittersweet, or milky sweet it can be easily satisfied. There is even white chocolate for those who fancy a light, creamy taste without the flavor that the alternatives deliver. What is it about chocolate that permeates our subconscious so until we ultimately indulges our craving?

Chocolate Marketing-Harness The Power Of Chocolate For Your Marketing

Chocolate Marketing-Harness The Power Of Chocolate For Your Marketing

Chocolate Marketing-Harness The Power Of Chocolate For Your Marketing

Chocolate Marketing-Harness The Power Of Chocolate For Your Marketing

Chocolate Marketing-Harness The Power Of Chocolate For Your Marketing

If you look at all the characteristics that this confection is noted for you will find the list's undeniably minimalist lacking nothing. The very first few that come to my mind are:

Sweet or bittersweet taste Rich, creamyindulgence Warm, inviting, comfort food Nothing quite smells like chocolate

And that is just for starters. However, its features are not what we crave. We crave it for what it does for us. As I ponder this subject, to better focus on the answers to these questions, I can think of no other chocolaty indulgence that I would rather have than My Little Taste of Italy ' s sinfully, sensual, rich and luscious cappuccino brownies. They are so well known, on both coasts of America and in between, that they have been dubbed, "Orgasmic!!!"

Mama Gloria and Liz have discovered the key to satisfy the most discerning palate. Their tasty treats include chocolate cookies that are to die for fabulous. Did I tell you their treats areknown all across America? Well, that isn't quite accurate. They are also ship their goodies overseas to our armed forces, but this is another tale for another time.

So, what is it that Mama Gloria and Liz have discovered that has enthralLED the world? They have figured out that we cannot live without chocolate and have used that knowLEDge to capture our appetites and our hearts. When we look at what chocolate does for us, and what makes the desire so strong that we cannot ignore it, we discover the true essence of marketing potential. What is it that My Little Taste of Italy ' s Cappuccino Brownies do for the lucky soul let's uncover their Secret.

What chocolate does for the consumer is summed up in how it makes them feel. Some of these benefitsare:

Satisfies our senses Soothes our nerves Makes us feel good about ourselves Provides health benefits

It is a well known fact that chocolate increases our endorphins, actively producing a sense of well being, and serotonin, which acts as an anti-depressant. Recently I discovered that it is also beneficial to smokers. "It has shown promise in that it may reverse some of their smoking-related impairment in blood vessel function," according to a study in the Oct. 4, 2005, issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

Chocolate Marketing-Harness The Power Of Chocolate For Your Marketing

Friday, March 2, 2012

Horse Racing - The Sport of Kings

Horse Racing - The Sport of Kings

Thousands of years ago, man discovered that an animal from the Equus order was good for carrying his burdens and lightening his load. Then one day, as the human race as a whole are natural competitors, we began to use that animal, calLED the horse, to race against others.

Horse Racing - The Sport of Kings

Horse Racing - The Sport of Kings

Horse Racing - The Sport of Kings

Horse Racing - The Sport of Kings

Horse Racing - The Sport of Kings

Then man began breeding horses to excel in speed and endurance. When this new type of entertainment and sport began to evolve, it was the nobility, or royalty, who could afford the price of breeding horses for this purpose. Therefore, that "class" of people were the ones who most often enjoyed the free time of contentious in horse races.

Early picture records of horse racing were found in the origins of prehistoric nomadic tribesmen of Middle Asia. It was they who first domesticated the horse nearby 4500 B.C. The first written records came much later, after horse racing was already an established sport from Central Asia to the Mediterranean. Horse racing became a part of the Greek Olympics nearby 638 B.C. And the Roman Empire was obsessed with the sport.

Modern racing traces its roots back to the 12th century. Knights of the British Empire imported Arabic horses upon their return from the Crusades. In the years that followed, hundreds of Arab stallions were crossbred with English mares to give the most desirable composition of speed and endurance. This breed of horse became known, after its evolution, as the Thoroughbred and of course the nobility were leaders in staging competitions between two classic Thoroughbred horses for hidden wagers, as a diversion.

As the sport evolved to being more pro during the reign of Queen Anne in the early 18th century, one-on-one races gave way to events in which several horses competed. Racetracks offered purses, or prize money to the winner of the events. And those purses grew larger in order to attract the best horses.

During the mid-1700s, it was decided that there needed to be a governing body to determine the rules and standards by which racers, breeders, and owners must abide. As a ensue the Jockey Club was established in Newmarket, and still exercises complete operate over English racing to this day.

Once the Club established the complete rules and standards of the horses and the races which could be run under sanction of the Club, five races were designated as the "classic" races for three-year-old horses. The English Triple Crown - which is open to both colts and fillies - consists of the 2000 Guineas, the Epsom Derby, and the St. Leger Stakes. Two other races, which are open only to fillies, are the 1000 Guineas and the Epsom Oaks.

As the British settLED in America, they brought very fine breeding stock and racing horses with them. The first known racetrack in the Colonies was on Long Island in New York. It was first laid out nearby 1665. Though horse racing was a popular local event, organized and pro racing did not undoubtedly start until after the Civil War. From there, the sport escalated in popularity over the settled parts of the country. And many of the racetracks were run by the "criminal element." As this was quite undesirable to the more important track owners and breeders, they met in New York in 1894 and formed the American Jockey Club. They soon established rules and regulations, similar to those of the English Jockey Club, and quickly eliminated much of the corruption.

The Kentucky Derby, one of the best known horse-racing events in the United States, was first run in 1875. Its home is at the Churchill Downs in Louisville, Kentucky. It is one of the three races which make up the American Triple Crown. The other two are the Belmont Stakes, first run on Long Island, New York at Jerome Park in 1867, and the Preakness Stakes, first run in 1873 at Pimlico Park in Baltimore, Maryland.

Although interest has waxed and waned over the years, horse racing is the second-most attended spectator sport in the United States, outranked only by baseball.

There are other forms of horse racing in both Great Britain and the United States. These include:

- The steeplechase, which requires the horse to clear such obstacles as brush fences, stone walls, rail fences, and water jumps. The oldest and most famed steeplechase in Great Britain is England's Grand National. It was first run in Aintree in 1839, and continues even today. The most famed in the United States is the American National. It was first run in 1899 at Belmont Park and continues to be held there annually.

- Hurdle racing is similar to the steeplechase, but is much less demanding. It is often use as a training arena for Thoroughbreds who will later compete in steeplechases.

- Point-to-point races are ordinarily run by amateurs throughout the British Isles.

- And last but by no means least is harness racing, which was very popular during the Roman Empire. Once the Empire fell the sport all but vanished until its resurrection, by those who liked to race their horses in harness on the country roads of America, at the end of the 1700s. The first valid tracks for harness racing came about in the early 1800s, and by 1825 harness racing became a popular attraction at country fairs all over the U.S.

Out of the rebirth of harness racing, a new breed of horse was born. In 1788, an outstanding English Thoroughbred stallion was imported to the United States. He was bred with American Thoroughbred and mixed-breed mares to manufacture the line of Standardbred. The name is based on the "standard" length of one mile in harness racing speed. The descendants of this line were rebred over the years to create this new breed which has the stamina, temperament, and corporeal size and structure to experience racing under harness.

Although harness racing suffered a decline of popularity again in the early 1900s, it bounced back in 1940 after being reintroduced at a raceway in New York as a pari-mutuel betting event. Its estimate of tracks and scheduled yearly events outnumber those of Thoroughbred racing in the United States today. It has also gained popularity in many European countries, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada.

What was once almost exclusively "the Sport of Kings" has segued over the years to encompass people of all lifestyles and income. It remains, however, a sport quite often connected with the "well-to-do", those who can afford the vast expenditure complex with raising the proper of horse required to run in, and win, the large purses awarded by, the most popular horse-racing events nearby the world.

Horse Racing - The Sport of Kings